Sharing our Catholic Burial Traditions

Thank you for your part in sharing our Catholic burial traditions. We searched high and low to find the best material to help you share the historic Christian practice of burial, and we brought these materials together here on this website. All these materials are free to use, faithful to Church teaching, and beautifully produced. May they bring those you serve to a better understanding of our traditions.

Please watch the short introduction video for a word from Bishop Gerald Kicanas about our Catholic Burial Traditions website.

What are fellow Catholics saying?

"There is so much confusion over cremation. No one ever told my husband cremation was an option and I thought scattering in the ocean was an approved practice. Thanks to this website we have made our arrangements with the cemetery and feel good about burial choices. It was not nearly as expensive as we thought, and we are excited to share what we have done and what we have learned with our children."

—  Karmin M.,  Parishioner, Charleston • South Carolina

How we help


From Pre-K to adulthood, our videos teach the importance of Catholic burial traditions and the Catholic funeral liturgy.



Our PDF publications offer in-depth catechesis on Catholic burials.



Our radio-ready PSAs create awareness by broadcasting the beauty of a proper burial.
